

UX methods for new services

UX Design
Team MSc project
Politecnico - Milan 2020



Cheeep! is the fruition of the UX course of the first year of my master. Applyng UX process to study Gen-Z and collaborating with a known Italian bank, we developed a Goal Wallet App where teeneegers are encouraged to save money and have the possibility to spend for what they love.

The Goal is setted by the user and the app will provide a series of challenges in order to keep him motivated. These are made by the customer, he can build the saving challenges and decide to share them if he wants. Other users can also share their own way to save money and challenge other users to make their dare. Implementing this feature will create a “Community”. The partner companies can also participate in these motivation challenges. They can add their own test and if the user makes it, the firm will decide how to reward them. For example with a discount coupon that Gen-Z can spend to buy items in the company. The initial phase will have “ready made” challenges made by the designers and it will grow bigger with using the app.

The key learning brought home with this project was the envisoning of the UX. Outside the product, the app itself, I learned to frame the experience in order to communicate with the stakeholders effectively and to show where the company will give meaning to the user and get value with the developed product.

Team: Michela Alessandrello, Daria Khrenova, Alex Landra, Pietro Lezzani,
Kilian Re, Macarena Saravia, Ayse Selin Yagsan.
UX Design - DID MSc Polimi








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